Mozalea Contact Person

Mozalea Boutique

Mall Bekasi Square Lt. 1 No. 137
(Disamping Butik Multazam)
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda. Pekayon Bekasi Barat

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Thursday, July 19, 2012


We are happy to inform you that ARAFAH 2012 will be held on 4 August 2012 in Jakarta. What is special about ARAFAH? Because this year you will get not only 1, 2, 3 BUT 12 hijab style! From casual, glamour to office-work style! Register yourself now because this is what you'll get:

  1. 1. 12 hijab style from Ardelya
  2. 2. Beauty class from Wardah
  3. 3. Mini talk show with Dika Restiyani (Muslimah Beauty 2011), Vonny Agitania (Ardelya), Windri Marieta (musician), HiLo Green Ambassador
  4. 4. Hijab parade
  5. 5. Beauty photo contest
  6. 6. Music performance from Windri Marieta
  7. 7. Bazaar from 30 tenant!
  8. 8. Certificate
  9. 9. Goody bags
  10. 10. Windri Marieta new CD "Better and Brighter"

So what are you waiting for? Register now via Rina 0878 826 90543 or email
50 first participants will get 5% discount!

See you at ARAFAH 2012 :)

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